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Windmills (Eco(i) Logic Queer Energy Harvesting). Paula Pin
- Windmills will be on show in Llerena from 27/10 to 5/11 at the Complejo Cultural de la Merced.
Just over a year ago, in October 2022, Pin Biotranslab, Casa do Rio and The Foundry established a collaboration to carry out the Eco(i) Logic Queer Energy Harvesting event. The piece presented by Paula Pin in the Electronic Fields 2023 exhibition, Windmills, is part of this wider project.
Eco(i) Logic Queer Energy Harvesting aims to address the lack of women, queer, trans and diverse people in technological fields in general, and in hacking more specifically. But more importantly, it seeks to create a community that critically evaluates hegemonic narratives around technologies, the modernity aspects of their underlying Western assumptions and their inherent capitalist inflections, among others. Consequently, its main purpose is to develop kits that focus on the interaction with the natural environment in the field of energy, harvesting the first from the natural environment that produces it, through wind turbines.
These in-process energy kits will be scalable and can be used both as pedagogical material and to set up specific energy plants in different locations. There is thus a counter-infrastructural component to this work, of which a possible consequence would be to empower people to generate their own energy rather than relying on large and often extractive companies.
Eco Logic Queer Energy Harvesting is made possible thanks to the support of GOSH, a network for developing and disseminating open source hardware-based projects for science.
About Paula Pin
Paula Pin (Lugo, 1982) is a researcher and artist/activist with a strong inclination towards research and experimentation processes with collective and free technologies. She has carried out research and artistic creation residencies in different contexts, the most prolific being the one that makes use of open technologies, i.e. open source.
Some examples of these residencies are: Pierre et Marie Curie University, KASK art school (Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Ghent, Belgium), Prototyp_ome, at Hangar Barcelona, Querly Ecologies, at Click Festival, OSH Open Source Gathering (Shenzhen, China) and Lucerne University of Science (Switzerland).
She is currently coordinating the European project Restorative Practices, in which sustainability practices interact with transhackfeminism, bioart and biohacking. She has been part of the transhackfeminist laboratories Transnoise and Pechblenda, and is currently working with the BioTranslab laboratory.
This lab is conceived as a nomadic entity, the CyanoVan, her queer science lab, which travels around the Peninsula conducting bio.electro.chemical experimentation labs. The intersection between biology, science and queer art are its maxim and its pedagogical methodology, which it shares with many other aliases.
Windmills will be on show in Llerena from 27/10 to 5/11. Venue to be confirmed.